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No highlight for watched tags anymore?

I see the design of the WPSE homepage has changed—different display for question metadata on the side (eg # of answers, question score, etc). It also appears that the soft yellow highlighting of ...
Pat J's user avatar
  • 12.3k
5 votes
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Tag Gutenberg Questions with Popular Package Names?

How would y'all feel about tagging Gutenberg questions with some of the more popular package names? e.g. @wordpress/env @wordpress/data (synonym redux?) @wordpress/element (synonym react?) @wordpress/...
bosco's user avatar
  • 6,964
4 votes
3 answers
90 views tag

We have a tag for questions related to the site, e.g. the .org support forums etc, but people are using it to indicate they are using a self hosted site which is incorrect. Clearly the ...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
  • 60.6k
6 votes
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Renaming the WooCommerce Tag

Previously I suggested renaming the tag to I consider that a successful change :) I suggest making the following additional rename: woocommerce to woocommerce-...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
  • 60.6k
3 votes
2 answers

Are we sending mixed messages with so many off topic tags?

I've been looking through all the tags that have posts (most having posts this year). There are very many that are automatically off-topic and more that it would be hard to make an on-topic post for. ...
Matthew Brown aka Lord Matt's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Rename tag

Questions tagged are off-topic, but people regularly miss-tag their questions believing it's a WordPress question therefore, not realising is a hosted service....
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
  • 60.6k
12 votes
2 answers

Is WP-CLI on-topic or off-topic?

In an unrelated answer to an unrelated question one of our diamond mods stated that questions and answers about WP-CLI are off-topic. For example this one: wp-cli silently fails with error code 255 I ...
leymannx's user avatar
  • 3,221
4 votes
1 answer

end "shopp"ing: eliminate the tag "plugin-shopp'

I propose the tag "plugin-shopp" to be eliminated (I don't know if you can use here on this Meta the term "burninate" like on Stackoverflow). The tag's wiki says it is off-topic. It has currently 1 ...
Vickel's user avatar
  • 101
13 votes
3 answers

Let's kill "best-practices"

Whenever I see the tag best-practices, I wonder what it is good for. No one is ever asking for a mediocre or even worst practice. We expect all answers to show the best way to solve an issue. It ...
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
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1 answer

Is it possible for moderators to delete a tag?

I noticed that some questions have the tag, which is off-topic here, following by this question. Now i was wondering, can moderators delete a tag? If tag is off-topic here,...
Johansson's user avatar
  • 15.4k
5 votes
3 answers

Can we fix translation related tags

I was about to edit the localization tag. Then I realized that there is no internationalization tag. However, there is a wrongly created l18n (should be l10n) tag as a tag synonym for localization, ...
Fayaz's user avatar
  • 8,987
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A tag for priority

I just asked this question about dependencies and priority of a hook. Although there is a tag for wp-dependencies, there is none that refers to the parameter priority. I think this is an important ...
CoderScissorhands's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Restrict the scope of the tag "wordpress-version"

We have banned the wordpress-$number tags a long time ago. Unfortunately, many askers are using the tag wordpress-version now as a replacement. Most of these questions are not about versioning, they ...
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
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3 answers

Do we need an iframe tag?

Following up on this little discussion with @toscho in chat I went through the first 50 most relevant of 800 questions that contain the word 'iframe' and found there a actually quite some questions ...
cjbj's user avatar
  • 15k
6 votes
2 answers

What naming convention should we use for tags?

As some of you have noticed I am busy cleaning up the tag database, removing meaningless ones like showcase and challenge, retagging the relevant posts. In the process @toscho and I ran into a bit of ...
cjbj's user avatar
  • 15k
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3 answers

Excluding Meta-Commentary From Tag Wikis

Thanks to some very helpful users, our tag wiki is becoming more and more populated with informative descriptions. A trend I've been noticing though is adding terms like off-topic to certain wiki ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
  • 20.8k
2 votes
1 answer

Why does the Twitter tag exist?

One of the questions that recently popped up on the homepage had only one tag - twitter According to the Help Center, only the following topics are allowed: WordPress Stack Exchange is for ...
Kaspar Lee's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Merge all plugin-* tags into [plugins]?

In his question Our wooes and future of platform plugins at WPSE Rarst proposed the following at the end: Extension-specific tags (such as plugin-*) are eradicated. They serve little purpose and ...
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
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Buggy behavior when turning ignored tag into synonym of favorited tag

I just wondered why some plugin-related questions were grayed out, while I even chose <plugins> one of my favorite tags. I then took a look at the favorite and ignored tags, and found <...
tfrommen's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Rename the advanced-custom-fields tag?

I've been browsing topics on Advanced Custom Fields, and I notice the tag does not follow the trend of prefixing plugin-, as other plugins tags have done. Should we rename advanced-custom-fields to ...
Grant Palin's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Adopt a tag! Help to keep our site clean

Our tags are a mess: many questions are tagged wrongly, and many tags are too similar or meaningless. Some time ago, I cleaned up the tags and Since then I check those ...
8 votes
1 answer

Mark unwanted tags (such as plugin-recommendation)

In a comment to a plugin-recommendation tagged question @toscho advised a user of reading the tag's description when/before using it. This is, of course, a good advise. However, let's be honest, who ...
tfrommen's user avatar
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Please add quick tag edit to question list

When reading through a list of questions, I often see tags that really don't belong to the question. In fact, nearly every second question has tags attached that don't belong there. I really like the ...
kaiser's user avatar
  • 50.8k
2 votes
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Synonymize Update to Updates

I just noticed there's a updates tag and a update tag, both with similar question counts and (best I can tell, I'm not a Wordpress guy) identical meanings. Neither has a tag wiki either. Should these ...
Zelda's user avatar
  • 121
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front-end and frontend, tags that could be merged?

When creating my latest question, I found that there were two tags that look to mean the same thing. Any way a synonym could be created?
canadiancreed's user avatar
5 votes
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Tag soup clean up

The following list contains tags for which I cannot see any practical use. They are way too vague, probably just meta tags. What should we do with those tags? body bulk-import – we have also bulk and ...
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
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Merge the tags form and forms

See forms (93 questions) and form (111 questions). One has to die! :) Which one should be canonical? Update Merged to forms.
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
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2 answers

Merge the tags menus and custom-menus

While custom-menus should be reserved for nav-menu questions most users just don’t get it: They use (and search probably in) just menus. Retagging those questions has become an useless exercise, so I ...
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
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The functions tag seems to be misused It's being used for both questions about a theme's functions.php file, as well as for generic usage regarding anything to do with PHP ...
Otto's user avatar
  • 32.8k
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add get_post tag

Generally SE is smart about avoiding silly duplicate tags (ie: post vs. posts). IN this case, I wanted to create a tag for get_post, referring to the get_post() function, which is different indeed ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

WPSE Plugin Repo

Yesterday I opened a new Q: The WPSE Plugin Repository. After talking to @JanFabry & @Rarst in the chat, I want to ask you some Qs here. The ideas behind it are the following: 1. Summon plugins ...
kaiser's user avatar
  • 50.8k
10 votes
4 answers

Are we permanently banning the [wordpress-x.x.x] tags?

First, let me be clear -- I am absolutely no fan of version tags. I think they're so dangerous that I am on the verge of banning them from the network on all SE 2.0 sites: https://drupal.meta....
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Should tags use terminology of code or documentation?

For example there is higher level organizational name like Filesystem API but in code classes and functions use WP_Filesystem. Essentially this is same topic. tagging with both seems excessive formal ...
Rarst's user avatar
  • 99.9k
17 votes
2 answers

It's time to ban the WordPress - X version tags. No really they need to be banned.

There are over 500 questions tagged with wordpress-x version numbers. Out of all those questions there are maybe 5 or 6 actually related to something version number specific. We have discussed this ...
Chris_O's user avatar
  • 20.6k
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Tag analyzer snippet

I coded basic tag analyzer that pulls tags and their counts from API and compiles a list. If anyone wants to improve my code or help with tag organizations (actively or by pointing out tags that need ...
Rarst's user avatar
  • 99.9k
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Consolidating duplicate tags

I'm noticing that there are a fair number of duplicate tags, which is surprising considering you need a really high rep to create tags - I would have thought users would know better. For example, ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Mass-rename [wordpress-(number)] to [version-(number)]

We all seem to agree that the [wordpress-*] tag to indicate a version number is a bad thing. Version tags should be used very sparingly, but as long as we don't have good guidelines on when to use ...
Jan Fabry's user avatar
  • 30.5k
5 votes
4 answers

Why are there minor.revision version numbers in tags?

I noticed there is a tag for wordpress-3.0.1 as well as wordpress-3. Is there any good reason for this really? Perhaps wordpress-3.0 and wordpress-3.1 but surely not down to the revision level?
Alex Angas's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

When should we use the [*-help] tags?

I saw some new tags appear today: coding-help, support-help, css-help, server-help and spamming-help. Since all questions are about helping someone, I don't see the benefit of the -help suffix. ...
Jan Fabry's user avatar
  • 30.5k
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How should we tag questions about the rewrite system?

We currently have four seven 10 tags that can cover the WP_Rewrite system: rewrite with 11 questions mod-rewrite with 10 questions htaccess with 1 questions .htaccess with 22 question permalinks with ...
Jan Fabry's user avatar
  • 30.5k
8 votes
1 answer

Why [wordpress] tag on WordPress Answers?

Is there any special reason for its existence? I can't think of any use for it. What do you think? Am I missing something?
Michal Mau's user avatar
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Can the length-limit of certain tags be extended?

In How should we tag questions about specific plugins or themes? I was playing with the suggestion to prefix plugin and theme names with plugin and theme in their tags. With that I ran over a length ...
hakre's user avatar
  • 12.9k
6 votes
3 answers

Question/Answer Freshness as WordPress Evolves?

I wanted to bring up the topic of the questions and answers as they relate to specific WordPress releases. Since we're discussing a specific product rather than a topic, our information has a greater ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Top Users by Tag (suggestion for StackExchange)

I love the fact the Users sort shows the people with the highest reputation but I think it would be super helpful to have top users by tags too. That way more people could standout for their efforts ...
MikeSchinkel's user avatar
  • 37.5k
5 votes
2 answers

How should we tag questions about specific plugins or themes?

If I have a question about the TwentyTen theme, or the Stats plugin, should I label them [themes] [twenty-ten] and [plugins] [stats], or [theme-twenty-ten] and [plugin-stats]? I like the ...
Jan Fabry's user avatar
  • 30.5k