Welcome to a new year!
Shoutout to all of those who participated this past year one way or another. Your contributions continue to make this site a great resource for WordPress information.
Previous years
Site Traffic
During 2018 we saw 31.6 million global views with an average of ~700k unique views each month1. Our views site peaked in September and was at the lowest toward the beginning of the year in January. This is still a increase from previous years as it seems.
Throughout 2018 the site saw 21,301 new users get created.
- 2,808 or 13.1% of those users gained more than 50 reputation
- 348 or 1.6% of those users gained more than 101 reputation
This brings our site to (roughly) 121k users in total!
The most active of these new users goes to Sally CJ earning 3,851 reputation and reaching 24k people with their helpful posts!
The most active regular user goes to Jacob Peattie earning 11,080 reputation last year. Their total posts reaching 244k people!
During the 2018 Winter Bash the site as a whole earned 2,638 hats. The biggest hat hoarder being user butlerblog who sits high at #1 with 7 hats!
Questions and Answers
Users asked a total of 12,328 questions, 5,304 (43%) went unanswered, and 2,784 were viewed positively with 1+ votes. There was also 10,549 helpful answers, 5,699 answers currently don't have any votes. All in all this brings our site total questions to 92,793 and answers to 116,474!
- The Most Favorited Question
- The Most Upvoted Question
- The Most Viewed Question
- The Most Upvoted Answer
The top tags of 2018 were:
- [woocommerce] which currently has 688 unanswered questions
- [plugins] which currently has 542 unanswered questions
- [php] which currently has 486 unanswered questions
That wraps up 2018! We hope the coming year is just as good if not better than the last! Now we'll leave the answer section open with a question:
What WordPress related achievement or accomplishment were you most proud of in 2018? What WordPress feature or event are you most excited about in 2019?