Thanks to the positive responses to holding Community Activities we've decided to get the ball rolling and start things off with some local site maintenance. Maybe not the most interesting of events to start off with but it's a good way to gauge participation, an easy thing to teach, and great for new users to gain reputation! Now I know what you're thinking
But Mr. McGee, how can I help?
I'm glad you asked! There are many ways you can help!
Our answer rate is currently at ~72% ( Rank 144 ). There's 19,409 unanswered questions that need looked at, that's a more than a bunch. Some have answers that may need tested and upvoted if they're accurate ( this counts as "answered" ).
There's new questions and old questions along with some of the most upvoted answers which may need edited for clarification, formatting, or any other issues.
Our review queue has over 100 questions, answers, and edits that need to be looked at and cast judgement upon so grab a gavel!
There are many tags without any kind of description, most of which are WordPress functions which can be referenced from the The Code Reference or The Codex.
Some tags aren't necessary and could probably be closed since they're either too broad or generally off-topic and don't have many questions tagged to them. These tags include...
netbeans plugin-events-calendar post-installation profiling ide sms social-connect books custom-write-panel stackoverflow google-plus tumblr plugin-magic-fields google-chrome plugin-syntaxhighlighter flash code coding create foreach php handling customization functions modifications next previous recursive scale troubleshooting
Next Saturday ( September 10th ) we'll use the general "The Loop" chatroom to tackle some of the above tasks, work together to answer some of the tougher long-standing WPSE questions, discuss ways we can make this community better, and generally goof around. This will be an all day event so come and go as you please!