It's been quite a while since our chat room started ( WordPress Answers Chat ) and it seems it was named near randomly
Because it's what Mark called it when he imported it I believe
I feel StopPress never quite had connection with community. Also *Press is overused and lame.
Let's rename it!
Answer with: name idea
- one per answer
- format as heading
- (down)vote those you (dis)like
Note that tag line on other hand is quite fine (Where humor doesn’t work.) and, if I remember right, was produced later by community. However if you feel there is better tagline to go with your title idea - do include it.
Optionally: add tagline to go with name
- format as subheading
Please format it as subheading to distinguish tag line suggestions from things you just add for explanation/context.
PS there might be reusable ideas with historical attachment in What should our domain name be? however lead "queryposts" choice went on to have different life.