Can questions be asked in another language alongside English?
The official language of StackExchange sites are English. Therefore, only questions that are written in English are valid, same applies to the answers and comments. You already mentioned this.
Will the REST API kill us with language
Not sure if you are referring to this website or to the web in general.
In first case, this is a Q&A website about WordPress, not PHP.
If there's anything that's not about PHP, but about ...
Is it okay to ask this question about best implementtion method?
In this case I don't think this would be on topic. It's a good question to ask, but it would spawn a discussion. It's one of those situations where the only canonical answer would be "it depends on..",...
Tom J NowellMod
- 60.6k
is the following question appropriate for WPSE
Usually broad topics like "Best Practices" are closed as being opinionated or too broad but I've been seeing them more and more. I think a better way to ask is Should I be using pre_get_posts or ...
- 20.8k
Proposal: Questions about programmatically interacting with third-party plugins (API) should be on topic
I disagree, to answer questions about 3rd party APIs you need to have strong knowledge of those APIs, which by definition are not WordPress APIs.
To that end, the surface area of WordPress becomes ...
Tom J NowellMod
- 60.6k
When answers create new questions
One question should always be precise and about a specific problem, so the question-answer-pair is more "valuable", in terms of people searching for the same problem finding an answer, instead ...
What happened to the "hot" button on the questions menu?
There is still a "hot" tab on the front page of the site: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/?tab=hot
Note that front page and Questions page are different. Questions page is more "complete" and ...
is the following question appropriate for WPSE
Let's rephrase your question:
Under consideration of X and Y, is A or B the better solution regarding N ?
Now X and Y could be things like high traffic web site and low memory shared host, while A ...
is the following question appropriate for WPSE
"Best" type of questions are always the worst questions. The more you know the less it becomes clear that there is a one and only "best". "Best" can be performance related, memory usage related, code ...
How do I select which answer to accept in this instance?
Which solution is superior? Faye answers your question better, but Kaiser solves your problem better. At the end of the day, you're judging the answers by how they solve your problem, but you didn't ...
Tom J NowellMod
- 60.6k
Why do I get a message saying, I am in danger of been blocked from asking questions, if I only asked 1 or 2 questions for the first time in months
Because automation. We don't know the specifics of how it works, if we did people would game it, but it looks like your actions aren't considered ideal.
If I look at your profile there are a few ...
Tom J NowellMod
- 60.6k
When answers create new questions
There's a seemingly obvious solution, one that escaped myself for years:
Ask a new question!
You can always ask a question as long as everything needed to answer it is in there, making it self ...
Tom J NowellMod
- 60.6k
I was banned from asking although I have a positive score here
A lot of things such as temporary bans are automatic. Having a question closed could have been enough to cause this to happen to you.
All you need to do is answer some questions that gather some ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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