As known, there's a high rate of unanswered Qs. Maybe the following improvements help lowering their number:
- Show accept rate in "Questions" list view: Would make it much easier to search for people that need to get pushed to "work" on their open Qs.
- Standard/pre defined comment with a) a link to how to ask a Q and b) push them to (again) "work" on their accept rate/open Qs.
- Automagically search the post title & content for words that are in the list of tags and auto suggest them: Priority is title > content. Multiple matches higher the priority for a single tag. Maybe also weight the number of Qs that are attached to a tag (higher number equals higher priority).
- Show last answer/comment from an answerer, last activity from the OP and the time difference at single Q view. Makes it also easier to ask for further progress, close vote or continue with new efforts to solve the Q.