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5 votes

Do WPSE editing guidelines align with the rest of Stack Exchange?

First, thank you for trying to help! :) Second, please don't take these rejections personally. Looking through the last rejected edits, I see that none of these suggestion made the post even a little ...
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
5 votes

Do WPSE editing guidelines align with the rest of Stack Exchange?

I want to start by thanking you for trying to improve the site :) An important part of a healthy stack is good quality questions and answers! Moving on to edit approvals and rejections though, I think ...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
  • 60.6k
4 votes

Meta vs Regular WP Dev community?

WordPress Development WPSE is for questions about WordPress development. If you have a question about WordPress Core, what a plugin is, how hooks work, or help constructing something, this is the ...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
  • 60.6k
1 vote

Meta vs Regular WP Dev community?

Some of this information can be search on and found in our Help Center. Meta WPSE is... Meta WordPress Development Stack Exchange is the part of the site where users discuss the workings and ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
  • 20.8k

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