On all the stack exchange sites I've seen "closed as not a real question" being way overused.... I found this question just a little while ago... I not only clearly understood what was being asked, but I also had a possible answer... https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/81854/autopublish-to-fb-without-using-admin-fb-account
Now, this question may or may not be off-topic, but it IS a real question with valid answers, and I just don't agree with the reason given for it being closed. I honestly feel like that closure reason is used as a catch-all - possibly even to close questions for purely personal reasons.
Maybe closing a question as "not a real question" should require more votes than other reasons, as in a lot of cases it's a matter of opinion as to whether the question is clear enough... I've asked friends questions where 2 out of 10 didn't understand what I was asking... I would've been really unhappy if I couldn't ask all of them just because a couple people couldn't understand my question (especially since it might've been their reading comprehension that was the problem and not the way I asked my question!)
Actually, it probably wouldn't bother me as much if there was a way to message people on here... at least then when I saw a question like the one above I could at least message the person with my idea... it just doesn't seem fair to me that the author of that post misses out on help just because a couple people didn't understand what they were asking (and I don't know why... seemed clear enough to me... how do I auto-post to facebook without my admin name showing up? Seems like a very clear, very valid question to me!)