Which questions belong on WordPress Answers but not on SO? Which questions belong on [SO with a [wordpress] tag][1] but not on WordPress Answers? How can we keep the experts here instead of on Stack Overflow? [The definition of this site][2] is: > Beta Q&A site for wordpress developers and administrators. If you write plugins or themes, or administer your own WordPress site then this is the site for you. I can see many questions on [the WordPress.org support forums][3] that are not suited for Stack Overflow. Since our definition also includes people administrating but not developing sites, I think we are supposed to welcome questions about plugins and themes by people that don't know PHP (very well)? But I can also imagine that more expert users (which we need here) will say "keep the silly theme questions on WordPress Answers, I'll only look for difficult coding questions on Stack Overflow". How can we prevent this, [without diluting the value of Stack Overflow][4]? [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/wordpress [2]: http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/1500?phase=definition [3]: http://wordpress.org/support/ [4]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/52869/will-these-proposals-have-a-potential-to-dilute-what-stack-overflow-has-going