I have found that I'm editing a lot of questions recently and when doing so if I find the word WordPress in the question title I more times than not remove it. At the same time I reword the title to be more descriptive of the users problem/question.
This is a WordPress Q&A site after all so saying that your question is about WordPress is pointless as its a given that your question will be about WordPress.
Take this title for example: Where can I download WordPress themes?
I would reword it to Where can I download themes for X type of site?
. The only place I wouldn't take out the word WordPress from the title is if its along the lines of: Integrating WordPress with X
So my question is am I OK to remove WordPress from the title if I'm rewording it? Does removing it have any negative effects on the sites SEO or search function if I remove WordPress from the titles? Is it something other editors should consider too?