Do you refer to this site as "WordPress Answers" or "The WordPress Stack Exchange"? I know it says "WordPress Answers" in the header image, but we are one of the exceptions that got not just the subject in the temporary header image - probably because the proposed Area51 title was not too long and just fit.
Now that graduated sites will stay under "the Stack Exchange brand", and we don't need to search for a good domain name yet, does that also mean we should drop the "Answers" part? Now it may be confusing, as (I think) Google has no way of knowing that "WordPress Answers" refers to this site, while "WordPress Stack Exchange" does end up here.
It might also take the pressure off any trademark disputes: when you have an Apple Stack Exchange, a GIS Stack Exchange, ... I would not consider the "WordPress" part of the site name, it's just a subpart of the Stack Exchange network.
Personally I have no problem calling it "The WordPress Stack Exchange" / WPSE, but if we start promoting ourselves to outsiders, we should all use the same name.