If users without enough reputation points to edit a question see a question that needs to be edited should they flag the question for a moderator to edit?
In this question which originally contained a very unclear title @hakre made a comment to the user asking him to edit it. @MikeSchinkel suggested that @hakre should go ahead and edit it for him but @hakre doesn't have enough reputation points to make an edit.
This question is meant to establish a way for all users of the site to help with moderation even if they don't currently have enough reputation points to make changes to a question.
According to the FAQ:
What if I see bad things happening?
Please use our flagging system to let us know about it. Each comment has a small flag icon, and every post has a flag menu at the bottom. Take advantage of it! We actively moderate our community, but we need your help to do so. Anything that is getting consistently flagged by our community members will be investigated and followed up on. And of course you can always email us directly if you feel the matter is extremely urgent.
Should flagging be reserved for spam or completely off topic questions or can it also be used for questions that are good but need to be edited for clarity?