I personally think about this problem a little differently. I think it's not a question of plugins
vs. core
, but only about use
vs. develop
There are large plugins that could be called Platform Plugins
that I feel are constantly getting interesting questions I like to read & answer. I could also imagine that there are a lot of hypothetical woo questions that are interesting and worth to answer like:
I'm using Woo and I have this custom build functionality (no copy & paste from site X without understanding ....) how can I integrate it in the Woo process?
But in fact we don't get a lot of these questions. We only get questions that come down to:
How can I use/configure plugin Y in a way to make thing X happen?
Which have absolutely nothing to do with development or where the questioner clearly is not looking for a development solution, but surely for a plug&play solution.
My personal bottom line of this whole discussion is:
The site has a lot of bad questions and most of them are about plugins.
But we shouldn't mix up cause and effect. Plugin context questions aren't bad. Woo questions aren't bad. They should still be valid. Basic usage questions are bad. No matter if plugin or core.
We need to get rid of these questions that absolutely belong to the first-level support of the plugin authors. The people that are actively answering questions here are mostly code-centric. They don't like to answer/read questions that are not connected to development in atleast a theoretical way or have a strong technical background.
Like the Wordpress Support Forum is the place where you should ask questions about Wordpress usage, plugin author support channels are supposed to answer plugin usage questions.
PS: I'm sure the new site name is a good first step to get rid of this issue. :-)