Reference these search results:
- "without plugin""without plugin" (27 results)
- "without a plugin""without a plugin" (84 results)
- "without using a plugin""without using a plugin" (27 results)
While admitting up-front that this isn't a huge problem, it is a bit of a pet peeve. Users asking for solutions "without a Plugin" introduce an arbitrary and unnecessary constraint to potential solutions. Also, such a request belies a fundamental lack of understanding about what a Plugin is, how the WordPress Plugin API works, and how, at the filter/action hook level, a Theme is fundamentally interchangeable with a Plugin.
Would it be worthwhile to add something to our FAQ about not asking for solutions "without a plugin"?
(Bear in mind: I'm also the one who previously suggested that we discourage answers that consisted of nothing more than a mere Plugin recommendation. The end goal here is building a body of knowledge and reference code/material.)